Publication / New Codex Guidelines for ready-to-use therapeutic foods


The Codex Guidelines for ready-to-use therapeutic foods, or RUTF, have been published in the revised format which is part of the drive in the Codex Secretariat to enhance the availability of all Codex standards, guidelines and codes of practice. By the implementation of a digital object identifier (doi) –which remains unique over the lifetime of a document, even when its location and other metadata may change – the Secretariat is aligning its texts to industry standards and taking advantage of the security, citation and cataloguing features that FAO, where the Codex Secretariat is based, offers.

The project, part of the work being undertaken to mark the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, will gradually see the whole of the “food code” available in this way. More than 300 texts in six languages.

This guideline, made available to coincide with the opening of the 43rd session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, which runs from 7-10 March, 2023 in Duesseldorf, Germany, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in December 2022 and will serve as a reference for national governments to use in their policies for nutritional treatment of childhood wasting.


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RUTF / New Codex guideline will protect vulnerable children

FAO feature: A categorical breakthrough

FAO publications

