Agriculture Ministers underline critical role of science-based standard-setting organizations


The 15th Berlin Agricultural Ministers’ Conference took place on 21 January 2023, with the theme “Agrifood systems transformation: a worldwide response to multiple crises". Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary, spoke of the importance of using all international fora to improve cooperation regarding global food systems. “Applying Codex standards helps remove trade barriers,” he said, explaining how a global structure like Codex can also drive and enhance policy coherence.

A final communiqué from the meeting, agreed by approximately 70 countries present, underlined the role of Codex:

We commit to strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration in the transformation of food systems in line with the One Health approach. In this regard, we highlight the critical role of science-based international standard-setting organizations, such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the International Plant Protection Convention and the World Organisation for Animal Health.

Plenary session - 15th Berlin Agricultural Ministers’ Conference

Speaking in the margins of the meeting, Heilandt emphasized how Codex is increasing efforts to support implementation of its standards. In a fast-changing world where food safety remains an issue, where food insecurity is on the rise and, and, where working towards sustainability and promoting healthy diets is vital, “working together in science-based fora like Codex can provide some of the solutions,” he said.


Learn more

GFFA website

Download joint communiqué adopted by approximately 70 Ministers and 10 international organizations

At GFFA in Berlin, FAO stresses importance of making agrifood systems more resilient against multiple shocks


Photo credit ©FBMEL - German Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir welcomes Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt to the Conference  


