CODEX – a year in transition, magazine launch


The latest edition of the Codex magazine has been published to coincide with the 43rd Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC45) taking place from 21-25 November 2022 in Rome.

CODEX – a year in transition, tells the story of the core activities that take place between one Commission and the next and that lead to CAC45 being able to set over 20 standards protecting consumer health and facilitating trade.

Contributions from all regions, all committees and all the people in the Codex world make the publication an engaging insight into standard setting. Produced by the Codex Secretariat, CODEX – a year in transition, brings together articles from the officers of the Commission, FAO and WHO, insight from technical experts, Codex Members and Observers and from those who operate inside the Codex Secretariat.

Download the English version now.
