Burundi / Training of quality champions and National Forum for effective participation in Codex


Burundi, a Member of Codex since 1963, needs to have an operational National Codex Alimentarius Committee and has begun to sensitize decision-makers on the importance of Codex standards. The committee will help to enforce food standards and Burundi’s participation in fair competition in international trade. This emerged from the joint FAO/Burundi Bureau of Standardization two-day workshop on Codex, which took place in Bujumbura from 24 to 25 August 2022 and was followed by a National Technical working group of Codex Contact Points held on 26 August to operationalize and implement the regional Codex Procedural Manual.

The workshop was organized under the Codex Trust Fund. Burundi is in the process of harmonizing its standards with those of the East African Community, which are also based on Codex texts.


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