CCAFRICA24 / standards can improve food safety and competitiveness across Africa


The FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa opened virtually from Kampala, Uganda on Monday 5 September 2022. In opening remarks, Hon. Ms. Harriet Ntabazi, State Minister for Trade, Uganda, called for harmonization of food safety standards across the continent. “If we merge as Africa and talk one language, if we concretize our standards together then the level of competitiveness as a continent will grow … in other markets.”

Hon. Mrs. Margaret Muhanga Mugisha, State Minister for Primary Health Care, welcomed nearly 200 delegates to the session on behalf of the Government of Uganda, underlining the importance of food safety and nutrition as one of the critical pillars for sustainable socio-economic development. “A safe food supply translates into a vibrant and healthy and productive human resource,” she said.

The keynote address was delivered by John Oppong-Otoo, Food Safety Officer with the African Union. He described for delegates the key elements of the Food Safety Strategy for Africa endorsed by the African Union in February 2022, and its goal of improving public health, food and nutrition security, sustainable livelihoods and economic growth in Africa. “Codex standards present a unique opportunity for the continent to raise food safety standards and that is exactly what Member States have committed to,” he said.


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