Codex Trust Fund / Workshop in Nigeria on importance of using Codex standards


The National Codex Committee of Nigeria, in collaboration with FAO Nigeria, under the sponsorship of the Codex Trust Fund, held a two-day regional workshop from 26to 27July 2022 in Lagos, Nigeria to create awareness on the importance of using Codex Standards for farmers, processors, small and medium enterprises, and to train local journalists on the reporting of Codex activities.

With more than 65 participants in attendance, the general objective of the workshop was to spread information and awareness on Codex Alimentarius and tools to ensure food safety in Nigeria. Technical sessions and breakout groups included specific training on the value of Codex food safety standards as well as discussions on how best to further disseminate the information gathered to benefit all sectors present.

Outcomes of the valuable training included recognition of the importance Codex texts play in ensuring safe, quality and nutritious food for a healthy population and supporting trade. Delegates also recognized that food safety is critical for sustainable food security in Nigeria and can be achieved through practices that conform to international food standards.

The training was covered by the Mitc news channel in Nigeria.



Learn more

Codex Trust Fund website

