Codex Trust Fund / Project in Timor-Leste launches with orientation workshop


The World Health Organization (WHO) supported Timor-Leste in their application to the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund Project. The application was approved in 2021 and a Codex orientation workshop was planned as part of the project. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WHO facilitated this workshop in Baucau city from 13-15 July.

Since language is an issue, presentations were translated into Tetun in advance. The workshop was addressed by Odete da Silva Viegas, Director General for Health Services and Codex Contact Point in Timor-Leste. There were 26 participants representing government agencies, namely agriculture, public health, animal health, trade, commerce and tourism, the consumer protection association, laboratories and the Authority for Inspection of Economic, Sanitary, and Food Activities (AIFAESA).

Participants had an opportunity to understand the importance and functions of Codex, the Codex standards-setting process, national Codex structures and the functions and experiences of neighbouring countries in establishing a functional Codex structure. Practical thoughts were given regarding future meaningful engagement of Timor-Leste with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in terms of challenges, opportunities and obligations.

The workshop helped participants to better understand the importance of Codex in establishing globally acceptable food standards based on scientific evidence and risk analysis, promoting consumer health and fair practices in the international food trade.  Participants recommended that high-level policy advocacy on Codex is needed to ensure political commitment and allocation of human and financial resources to establish a functional National Codex Committee in Timor-Leste.


Learn more about the Codex Trust Fund
