Avocado Packing Company in Peru raises food safety awareness in a day of fun for staff


The Avocado Packing Company S.A.C. of the Mission South & Central America group celebrated "World Food Safety Day" this year with the motto: "Safe food, better health".

Celebrations consisted of sending different flyers to company staff, as well as inviting staff to participate in the "World of Safety" game. This consisted of answering questions related to food safety to advance in the game. Notebooks and pens were given out as prizes for correct answers. The questions were prepared according to the food safety training that took place this year.

Finally, a video relating to these celebrations was prepared and was disseminated to company staff via email and displayed in the company dining room.

The company departments involved in the celebration were: Quality Assurance, Production, Reception of Raw Material, Cold and Dispatch, General Warehouse, Health and General Services, Engineering and Maintenance, Human Talent Management and Safety, Occupational Health and Environment and our government entity SENASA.

The Avocado Packing Company is an agro-industrial company that packs fresh fruits such as: avocado, mango and blueberry. It is located in Chao - La Libertad – Peru.
