European Food Safety Authority raises consumer awareness for World Food Safety Day


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) together with national food safety bodies across Europe highlighted their joint communication campaign #EUChooseSafeFood for World Food Safety Day 2022. The focus was to inspire Europeans to make food choices with confidence by raising awareness about the science behind food safety.  The partners also marked World Food Safety Day by  recognising the efforts of food safety actors to safeguard consumer health every day of the year.

Among EFSA’s activities were:

  • Cross-promotion with international partners - coordinating efforts through the International Risk Communication Liaison Group to facilitate cross-promotion of social media activities. EFSA engaged on social media with eight organisations (FAO, US FDA, WHO, Japan (FSCJ), UK FSA, New Zealand (MPI), the EC & the Health and Digital Agency.
  • EFSA content production – across Twitter, INSTAGRAM and LinkedIn
  • Content enabling -  providing editable social media posts to EU Member States - the so-called Communication Expert Network (CEN) - to highlight support from the EU food safety community for World Food Safety Day .  Member States could translate the text and add their own organizational logos network. Six Member States used  these materials for their own tailored posts and one cross-promoted EFSA’s post.

Read more about EFSA
