WHO Maldives conducted a Virtual Run


WHO Maldives supported the Maldives Food and Drug Authority to conduct a Virtual Run to raise awareness on Food Safety and Physical Activity on the occasion of World Food Safety Day 2022. The run started off on the 7th of June 2022 on the Food Safety Day, continued on for 2 weeks with a total of 1000 registered runners from across the country. The closing of the run was attended by state ministers, DGHS, WHO team and the public which was an indication of the deep interest and unwavering commitment of Maldivians towards food safety, nutrition, food security and physical activity; all which are inextricably linked. Through close collaboration with member states such as Maldives, WHO aims to strengthen national food control systems to facilitate global prevention, detection and response to public health threats associated with unsafe food. We hope that such campaigns continue to improve people’s approach and increases awareness and knowledge of Food Safety and healthier practices – enabling them to experience a healthier, more productive life with decreased risk factors for nutrition-related health problems and chronic diseases that are affected by diet and physical activity. 



