World Food Safety Day Celebration 2022 in Qatar


Reiterating its commitment to food safety standards, GWC celebrated the 2022 edition of World Food Safety Day (WFSD) by organizing an interactive training and awareness sessions for its employees highlighting this year’s theme: “Safer Food, Better Health” this 7 June, 2022, in Logistics Village Qatar(LVQ) and various sites such as Street 15, Street 41 and LVQ15K facilities.

The training sessions and food safety activities emphasized how safe food is a shared responsibility between producers, governments, importers, retailers, and every person who handles food during the course of this supply chain. Various interactive activities were conducted by GWC’s certified in-house experts to impart knowledge about safe food handling to deliver safe and healthy food to the consumer.

As the leading logistics and cold chain provider in the State of Qatar, GWC has been an integral part of the nation’s food supply chain for many years. GWC continues to provide end-to-end logistics support for food imports in terms of sampling, inspection as per the procedures set forth by MoPH and customs clearance, followed by cold chamber warehousing and distribution to end-use destinations.
