In Ecuador, the Health Department of the Municipality of Quito commemorates World Food Safety Day


Ecuador celebrated the World Food Safety Day this 7 June, to highlight actions to ensure food safety throughout the entire food chain in order to prevent, detect and manage transmitted risks by food, contributing to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development. This year's theme being "Safer food, better health", access to safe food is essential for the health and well-being of people, animals and the environment; with the national and local governments playing fundamental roles to guarantee safety.

The Health Department of the Municipality of Quito organized the webinar “Inocuidad Alimentaria: Intercambio de Estrategias, “Food Safety: strategies exchanges” to commemorate the World Food Safety Day. The community was informed about the activities some Ecuadorian institutions carry out in order to increase food quality and prevent foodborne diseases. The event featured food safety experts, the National Regulatory Control and Health SurveillanceAgency (ARCSA), the Department of Hygiene of the Municipality of Loja and the Health Department of Municipality of Quito. The community was informed about the activities some Ecuadorian institutions carry out in order to increase food quality and prevent foodborne diseases.

