World Food Safety Day in Jamaica


The fourth celebration of World Food Safety Day in Jamaica was organized by the National Codex Committee, under the theme, “Safer Food, Better Health”. A set of activities took place in the week of World Food Safety Day.

The launch event entitled “Unified Defence”, took place on 7 June and included messages from the Honourable Minister Pearnel Charles Jr., Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Honourable Minister Dr. Norman Dunn, Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Elizabeth Johnson, Representative for the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture in Jamaica and Marisa Caipo, Food Safety and Quality Officer for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce; the Ministry of Health and Wellness; and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries worked in collaboration with international and local partners PAHO/WHO, IICA, FAO and JMEA to facilitate in the celebrations.

Other activities included

7 June:

-        Launch of a jingle competition on safe food open to the public

-        Jamaica Information Service (JIS) Think Tank Session with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 

8-9  June 

-        Food Safety Road Show - Parishes visited were St. Ann, St. Mary and Manchester 

6-10 June 

-        Radio and TV Interviews to raise awareness on safe food practices

-        Docu-series on food safety, featuring food manufacturing entities and food producers
