To protect lives: an event to raise awareness of the role of the food sector in the day-to-day life of society


Veraliment, a professional training and food safety culture organization, held its fourth annual virtual event for World Food Safety Day in a live webinar. The event aimed to raise awareness about the mission of all professionals in the food sector to protect the lives of the millions of people who eat every day.

Numerous actors from the food sector participated, both directly and in deferred interviews. “Scientific knowledge will guide us in how to anticipate and prepare for future challenges” stressed Xavier Pera, from the Association of Producers and Distributors (La asociación de fabricantes y distribuidores, AECOC).

For Beatriz Torres, from logistics company, IFS, “this type of event allows us to share problems and concerns. It is not a waste of time; it is a benefit for your day to day and your work.” While Vanesa Vázquez affirmed that "anything that we contribute is very important and is one more step towards food safety." From Ecuador, Darío Posso focused on the global market: "If we don't support each other, it will be difficult, because food that I produce here in Ecuador can end up in Spain, and vice versa."

Watch the event
