A run for food safety in El Salvador


The Salvadoran Agency for Technical Regulation (OSARTEC), an institution that is part of the National Quality Council, responsible for coordinating the participation of El Salvador in the development of International Food Standards emanating from the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, in celebration of the World Day of Food Safety, carried out a sports event, under the motto "Safe food, better health".

This activity was carried out thanks to the support of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Trust Fund, the PAHO/WHO Representation in El Salvador and the Regional International Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA). The race was attended by more than 250 Salvadorans, who recognized the importance of food safety to make the most of the nutritional properties of food and enjoy a healthy life. From this effort, OSARTEC raised awareness about the importance of participation in the preparation and use of Codex Alimentarius Standards, thus favoring the protection of the health of Salvadorans and the application of fair practices in the food trade.

From the Government of El Salvador, different control mechanisms are implemented to ensure that food is safe; its production reduces loss and waste, favoring the economic growth of the industry and the country.

See the event photo gallery

