CAC44 / Final report adoption delayed as Commission ends


Day nine of the 44th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC44) was unable to see completion of report adoption in the time allotted and the Codex Secretariat will now outline a process to enable this final part of the business of the Commission to be completed.

With agreement on a series of new and revised Codex texts, the Commission has demonstrated for the second year in succession that it is able to face the challenge of working online and throughout the meeting over 600 participants were regularly in attendance.

Outgoing Chairperson, Guilherme Da Costa, Brazil, applauded the commitment, perseverance and spirit of collaboration that had characterized the meeting even when divergent views were strongly held.

For Da Costa, along with Vice-Chairpersons Mariam Eid, Lebanon and Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Indonesia, it was the final Commission as Officers and a new team led by incoming Chairperson Steve Wearne, UK, will take up the work once CAC44 has finally and formally concluded.


Learn more

CAC44 / Steve Wearne, United Kingdom elected as 20th Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

CAC44 / Three new Vice-Chairpersons elected in a single round of voting in Geneva

Photo credit: © FAO/Bob Scott

Left to right: Hilde Kruse, Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Guilherme Da Costa, Mariam Eid, Sarah Cahill, Tom Heilandt

