Executive Committee / critical role for Codex and standards to ensure safe food


Welcoming participants to the 81st session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Naoko Yamamoto, Assistant Director-General WHO, said the past year has shown the critical place and role of food safety and healthy diets in the development agenda, as well as the important results that can be achieved together and in partnership. “Regarding Codex, you know very well the critical role of its standards and guidelines in ensuring safety and quality of food commodities to improve consumer health and nutritional well-being while protecting fair trade practices.”

“Codex has been very successful in adapting to the new challenge of working virtually,” said Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO. “A great advantage is to have many more participants from countries who have not been able to attend physically in the past, the countries who rely on the standards you develop. I urge you to continue on this path, aligning your core values with the goals and objectives of your strategic plan.”

The Deputy Director-General also thanked the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of Codex for extending their term of office “beyond what any of us could have imagined” and for their commitment to the work of Codex.

Guilherme Da Costa, Brazil, Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission drew attention to the incredible cooperation and partnership of the host countries he had witnessed throughout the pandemic, demonstrating their commitment to Codex. “Our community has shown itself to be a tremendous unit during this war the world has had to face,” he said.

The Codex Alimentarius has the strength to achieve better and fair food trade globally. Science-based standards provide transparency for market access, inclusiveness and economic development. Equitable commercial relations contribute to the aim of eradicating poverty and hunger, fostering more productive employment and job creation. “Striving to ensure that no one is left behind in the drive to reach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals is one of our responsibilities,” he said.

The meeting continues virtually, hosted from Rome, until Friday 5 November 2021.


Learn more

All working papers and details of standards proposed for adoption available on the CCEXEC81 meeting page

Photo credit © FAO/Codex/Bob Scott. Maria Helena Semedo (left) with Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt in Rome
