World Food Day 2021 / Our actions are our future


Speaking at the opening the celebrations of World Food Day 2021, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu recognized all those around the world who continue to work against the odds to ensure everyone has food to eat, and called for the transformation of agri-food systems to make them more efficient, more resilient, more transparent and more sustainable.

World Food Day highlights the role countries can play to ensure that all people everywhere have access to enough affordable, nutritious and safe food and and they are encouraged to adopt an evidence-based approach to policy making which considers diverse areas impacting food systems.

With a message that resonates with the mandate of the Codex Alimentarius on World Food Day, countries can also promote food safety by developing and enforcing international standards and control systems and implementing a ‘One Health Approach’ to tackling health threats to animals, humans, plants and the environment.

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