CCFA52 / Committee sends over 500 food additive provisions for adoption


The Codex Committee on Food Additives has adopted its final report confirming consensus reached on recommendations that include over 500 food additive provisions already in the Codex step procedure and 90 proposed provisions that will all now proceed for consideration by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in November 2021.

The committee, hosted by China, met virtually from 1 to 10 September 2021 and emboldened by the support from the Executive Committee maintained its word that the business of debating and agreeing on standards would not be halted by the challenges thrown up by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chairperson Fan Yongxiang, China, said: “It is an exceptional achievement to have completed this challenging agenda which could not have possible without the expertise of those who have led the individual work streams and the support of the delegations, Members and Observers alike, who gave their time and support so tirelessly”.

The Codex Secretariat has formed a skilled and innovative team leading the way in supporting countries to plan for virtual meetings. “I was fortunate to be able to be in China for this session with the host secretariat,” said Lingping Zhang, Codex Secretariat, “but these successful outcomes also depend on close collaboration with fellow food standards officers and the logistics teams that manage the technology.”

The Codex calendar now turns to the committees on food labelling, antimicrobial resistance and fish. Full details on the Codex website meeting page.


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Codex Committee on Food Additives 52nd session


Main photo: (left to right) Ding Hao, CCFA Secretariat, Fan Yongxiang, CCFA Chairperson and Lingping Zhang, Codex Secretariat during report adoption.
