Tribute to the Late Dr. Claude Mosha, 15th Codex Alimentarius Chairperson (2006 – 2008)


The Codex Secretariat has learned of the sad death of Dr. Claude John Shara Mosha, Tanzania, who served as the first ever Codex Alimentarius Chairperson from an African country from 2006 to 2008.

Hakim Mufumbiro, the current Regional Coordinator for the Codex African region said: “Dr Mosha will be remembered for his astute leadership, dedication, hard work, negotiation prowess, unwavering commitment and deep passion for Codex and food safety as well as his wisdom and extremely joyful and imaginative nature.”

John Oppong-Otoo of the African Union said: “He taught, inspired and mentored many of us. He was the one we turned to when we needed advice and guidance on difficult Codex and life issues.”

“Mosha steered the continent to the highest level and was an inspiration to us and the world. Codex has lost a strong supporter of food safety,” said Kimutai Maritim, Kenya.

Karen Hulebak, United States, served as Vice Chairperson of the Commission during Dr Mosha’s term in office. “I will always remember his quiet dignity and his commitment to making sure that the voices of all Africans are heard in Codex,” she said.

Another former Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Awilo Ochieng Pernet, Switzerland, sent her condolences. "Dr Mosha will be remembered for his dedication and hard work, his unwavering commitment to Codex and food safety as well as his wisdom and joyful nature," she said.

Guilherme Costa, Brazil, the current Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, sent the following message: “Codex is losing one of the most important members of its family. Dr Mosha was an example of how a professional can dedicate his time and passion to the organisation's work. He inspired me all the time when I had the privilege to work with him,” he said.

Mary Kenny, FAO, recalled Dr. Mosha’s positive spirit and how working with him was always a positive, and rewarding experience. “Dr. Mosha was a true teacher and trainer – generous with his time and knowledge. It is fitting he is recognized and well-remembered in Codex and food safety circles,” she said.

Writing to the Codex office in Tanzania, Tom Heilandt Codex Secretary recalled Dr Mosha’s service as chairperson which coincided with his own introduction to Codex. “I have many great memories of his successful term of office as the only African Chairperson of the Commission. He successfully presided over the Commission during a time when many of the ways in which we undertake our work, particularly in the context of risk analysis were under discussion and has left his unique mark on the global work of Codex,” he said.

“He was truly a pillar in Africa in promoting the spirit of togetherness”, said Mufumbiro.  “Africa and indeed the entire world mourns and celebrates a life well lived.”


Dr Mosha quote:

"Codex is one of the best examples where an international forum with parallel objectives of promoting public health and food trade can achieve win-win solutions through negotiations based on sound science and conducted in the spirit of cooperation."


Photo credit

26 June 2007, Rome - Claude J.S. Mosha, speaking during the 59th Session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, at FAO Headquarters.

©FAO/Giulio Napolitano


Note: this article was updated on 13/9/21 to include comments from Awilo Ochieng Pernet and Guilherme Costa. 

