Live event on Observer organizations to strengthen understanding of Codex


A webinar open to both Members and Observers will take place on Monday 20 September 2021 from 12:00 to 14:00 CEST and will provide an opportunity to engage with a variety of Codex observer organizations from the 240 currently accredited to the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

“We see on a daily basis the contribution experts from observer organizations bring to Codex meetings and working groups and we are fully aware that without their contributions Codex may not be in a position to develop such globally recognized standards,” said Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer in the Codex Secretariat.

The webinar will bring together different voices from the observer community. It will discuss the rules that govern observers’ participation, how and why they take part in Codex meetings and also their thoughts on how Codex will need to continue to adapt to a virtual climate - where international business travel is likely to be curtailed - whilst still providing the leading environment to develop science-based food safety standards by consensus.


Download the event programme

Register to join: click here

Read more: Codex and Observers
