CCFA52 / food additives committee gets underway stressing business as usual


Over 400 delegates gathered on line for the opening session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA), hosted by China and being held virtually from 1 to 10 September 2021.

The efforts of the Codex Secretariat, the hosts themselves and the experts from many different countries who lead specific areas of work in the committee have ensured that despite the global pandemic the 52nd session will have a very busy agenda.

Mr Jinfeng Liu (pictured), speaking on behalf of the Vice Minister of the National Health Commission of China, welcomed participants and underlined the host’s commitment to food safety at the highest level. He highlighted President Xi Jinping’s call for protecting consumer food safety with "the most stringent standards, the most rigorous supervision, the most severe punishment and the most serious accountability".

Liu also noted the important role of Codex standards in assuring food safety, protecting the health of the consumers and ensuring fair practices in food trade.

CCFA Chairperson Yongxiang Fan, China, told delegates the epidemic had not affected the work of the committee and the development of standards. “Encouraged by the 42nd Codex Alimentarius Commission, the work on food additives has been carried out as planned,” he said - noting the exceptional contribution from Codex Members, international organizations, and observers.

Representatives of the Codex parent organizations FAO and WHO also addressed the meeting and Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt reminded Members that to ensure the next Commission, CAC44, could be held virtually in November 2021 a two-thirds majority supporting the proposed conditions for holding a virtual meeting needed to be reached by the deadline of 7 September 2021.


Learn more

Follow CCFA52 via the meeting webpage on the Codex website

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)


