METRO supermarkets celebrate World Food Safety Day with staff training and consumer awareness initiatives


As part of the global commemorations, METRO Pakistan celebrated World Food Safety Day, under this year’s theme, ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’, at its stores all over the country by building awareness on food safety through internal and external communication, organizing compliance  competition in store and an awareness session on food safety and hygiene protocols for staff.

On World Food Safety Day, METRO Pakistan arranged several activities focusing food safety practices improvement or awareness among its employees and customers which included staff training, in-store awareness raising and social media communication.

Awareness initiatives started on 4 June 2021 for customers and employees which included the Managing Director video message, social media communication, in-store communications, FSSC and Halal Banner, World Food Safety Day backdrop and frame, World Food Safety Day banner on METRO website and staff awareness sessions. 

The Managing Director of METRO Pakistan shared that, METRO is committed to providing safe, healthy, and nutritious food to its customers and consumers by assuring food safety and quality compliances throughout the supply chain. METRO Pakistan has been a pioneer in SME development especially in food and near food products. “Our SME food suppliers have achieved global certifications through supplier development programme and have received global awards, which brought accolades to Pakistan on implementing international food safety and quality standards in SME’s sector”, he further added.

Managing Director of METRO Pakistan video message

Communication plays a key role in creating awareness and building a strong food safety culture within organization. On this World Food Safety Day, food safety awareness messages were displayed in-stores through stands, awareness sessions conducted with staff and quiz competitions were conducted in stores with the objective of disseminating food safety knowledge and raising the importance of food safety among staff and the general public. In addition to the quiz, a best practices video and pictures competition was also organized in which staff highlighted good and bad behaviours on food safety topics.

In-store awareness raising


In-store messages

On 4-7 June-2021 awareness-building messages on food safety topics were shared on social media (Facebook, Instagram) and the website of METRO Pakistan with the objective to create awareness in customers and viewers.

A collaboration with UNIDO carried out for the World Food Safety Day video message focusing on the Meat Value Chain in Pakistan. METRO Pakistan’s best practices and efforts to uplift the food safety and hygiene standards in the Meat Value Chain were shown to the viewers.

Link :

“We are committed to engage all stakeholders of the food supply chain to build a strong food safety culture,” according to campaign organizers. Training is one tool which provides clarity on the requirements and capacity building of food handlers can be carried out which ultimately help to develop a strong food safety culture. Awareness sessions organized for franchise stores, Freshly, a new business area of METRO Pakistan, on basic food safety and hygiene.

They also engaged their private label (METRO Brands) suppliers virtual awareness session for the supplier staff on food safety and hygiene protocols. Fifteen suppliers and their staff attended this awareness session which will help them to practice food safety and hygiene protocols in their organization and ultimately delivering more safe and hygienic food.

It is important to note that METRO Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd has FSSC 22000 certification of its stores, a globally recognized food safety standard. All ten METRO Pakistan stores comply with FSSC 22000 requirements for Fruits & Vegetables, Fish, Meat, and Bakery departments. Recently, METRO Pakistan received HALAL standard certification for its Meat, Bakery, and Café products processed or produced in-stores.

Social media intiatives

With these certifications and compliances, METRO Pakistan is continuously striving to deliver the trust of safe, hygienic and nutritious food to our customers for a healthy tomorrow.


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All photos: METRO Pakistan (Pvt) Limited
