Avocado packing staff in Peru test their food safety knowledge for World Food Safety Day


The Avocado Packing Company, an agribusiness company that packs fresh fruits such as avocado, mango and blueberry, located in Chao La Libertad, Peru, celebrate World Food Safety Day under the theme "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow." The celebration consisted of sending different flyers about the Day and theme. Staff were invited to participate in the “Knowledge Bingo”, which was organized to test them on the food safety knowledge they had been trained in over the year. Prizes included avocado World Food Safety Day keyrings, bags, pens and diaries.

All departments of the company were included in the festivities, including Quality Assurance, Production, Reception of Raw Material, Cold and Dispatch, General Warehouse, Health and General Services, Engineering and Maintenance, Human Talent Management and Safety, Occupational Health and Environment.


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