Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil produces an animation video on food safety


Members of the Bromatology Research Group at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil have produced an animation video to celebrate the World Food Safety Day. The video uses animation and simple language to discuss the key messages proposed by FAO and WHO regarding food safety, aiming to promote awareness about the importance of the subject. 

The group is led by Prof. Scheilla Vitorino Carvalho de Souza who ensured the collaboration with a group of graduate students for the development of the video: PhD Carolina Sheng Whei Miaw, MSc Ramon Alves de Oliveira Paula, Marina de Paula Penna e Palhares, and Michelle Cançado Araújo Barros. The development of the video was inspired by Dr. Margarita Corrales (Food Safety Coordinator of PAHO/WHO) who produced an introductory message of this theme.

The video is posted on the social networks of the Bromatology Research Group to encourage feedback and discussion about the need for everyone's engagement with the food safety theme.


Watch the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqjTHB0pjwur50b6p21XkEQ

Watch the video on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CP0OA_KpjG9/
