Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil leads a World Food Safety Day webinar


Research group “Dialogues on risk and food safety in interdisciplinary contexts” at the Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil held a webinar on June 7 in celebration of the World Food Safety Day, attended by about 450 undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and food safety professionals.

The webinar opened with a presentation by Dr Laís Mariano Zanin who discussed the importance of the World Food Safety Day, explained the theme of the year “Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow” and underlined that food safety is everyone’s business. Angela Castro from National Health Surveillance Agency presented the perspectives for a national food safety policy, followed by Dr Luz Maria De-Regil, Unit Head, Multisectoral Action in Food Systems (AFS) at the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety at WHO, who spoke about the work on the global food safety strategy, the development of global foodborne diseases estimates and capacity building for the assessment of food control systems. The webinar concluded with a discussion moderated by Dr Elke Stedefeldt.


Recording of the webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI35-iMQhRE





