National Quality Association of Tanzania (NQAT) miniseries webinar


On 9 June 2021, the National Quality Association of Tanzania (NQAT)a member-based association, which acts as a National Quality Platform for sustainable development, held a miniseries webinar about World Food Safety Day.  

The miniseries which will be held every two weeks, was moderated by Mr Safari Fungo.  

Among the concerns and recommendations that were raised were: 

  • The importance of strengthening advocacy on consumer protection. 

  • It is important to put emphasis on the implementation of food labeling i.e., work on putting warning signs on certain foods that may cause harm to the consumer. 

  • The importance of stakeholders in the food safety sector to join hands to forge some synergy on food safety approach 

  • The need for policies and laws to curb food fraud by manufactures to consumers. 

  • The need for consumer behaviour to change through raising awareness on the importance of food safety. 

The stakeholders also agreed on the need to have a platform where farmers, distributersmanufacturers, and experts will be able to come together and educate the people on the importance of food safety e.g., good, safe, and secure agricultural as well as manufacturing practices. 
