Codex in Honduras runs World Food Safety Day competition


This year for World Food Safety Day, the Codex Alimentarius office in Honduras organized a competition asking companies across the country to share the ways in which they were raising awareness about food safety among their employees. The announcement of the competition winners took place virtually on 8 June.

Companies chose a variety of different ways to relay the food safety message to their staff, from games, to competitions and video creation, they each commemorated this day in a “very special way,” and found fun ways to get serious messages across. Activities also extended across various internal departments, with hygiene personnel and production personnel getting involved, as well as in some cases, senior management whose presence, helped to demonstrate company commitment to staff training in food safety and sustainable development.

Three winners were selected. First place went to the "Cravings_hn" video in which they show how they ensure food safety. The video was shared with the staff and clients and was also made public on their social networks. 


Watch the winning video (Spanish only)

