Botswana Ministers show support for World Food Safety Day across media


On World Food Safety Day, the Minister of Health and Wellness of Botswana, Dr Edwin G Dikoloti, was joined by several ministerial dignitaries and representatives from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in a public event where he delivered a keynote address on the importance of food safety for Botswana.

Minister of Health and Wellness of Botswana, Dr Edwin G Dikoloti

Dr Puna Gasennelwe, a Public Health Specialist hosted the event on behalf of the The Director of Health Services who is the Chairperson of the National Food Control Board. Dr Gasennelwe delivered the World Food Safety Day ‘Calls to Action on food safety.’ The event also involved an exhibition on food safety, which included stalls organized by the Ministry of Health and Wellness on port health and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and a stall on the Food Safety and Quality Management Unit.

Guests tour food safety exhibition

The event was televised by Botswana Television (BTV) and made available live on social media and other platforms. The Ministry of Health and Wellness showed the event on Facebook live. In addition, a number of other awareness raising exercises were organized, including radio interviews aired on Botswana radio on 7 and 8 June. The BTV breakfast show covered World Food Safety Day in a live segment and will air pre-recorded interviews about food safety on the Ministry of Health-sponsored show, Tsa Botsogo show on 16 June.

Guests at Botswana World Food Safety Day celebrations

Efforts to raise the profile of food safety in Botswana do not stop there. Throughout June and July, a series of workshops organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology, will train food handlers at various learning institutions. Younger students will be taught food safety awareness in primary schools throughout the month of June. These efforts follow a training lecture on Codex Alimentarius and food safety, which was held in May this year for Food Science and Technology students at Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources.


