Nigerian students plan food safety awareness raising on safe meat production


In Nigeria’s state of Lagos, students are taking part in a project about training in food safety and good handling practices. They will celebrate World Food Safety Day as part of their training programme and plan activities at a local abattoir. They will have an interview session with meat sellers and consumers and have prepared information placards for the event.

They will also give a presentation covering key aspects of safe meat production and handling and have modelled their messaging around the World Food Safety Day calls to action.

Safe meat messages:

Ensure it’s safe

Agriculture and food producers need to adopt good practices by purchasing the cows from the right source.

Grow it safe

Feed cows with proper and healthy food – be mindful there is a need for safe and nutritious food for all.

Keep it safe

Meat sellers must make sure the meat is safe by ensuring proper storage and proper organization at selling points.

Know what’s safe

Consumers need to learn about safe and healthy food: spread awareness on the right things to do.

Team up for food safety

“Let’s work together as we practice the safe handling of cows as well as their meat”
