Costa Rica World Food Safety Day video highlights key food safety concerns


As part of their World Food Safety Day celebrations, the Codex Contact Point in Costa Rica has produced a video with comments from key actors in food safety issues.

The video includes messages from Victoria Hernández, Costa Rica’s Minister for the Economy, Industry and Commerce, Oliver Cruz, Director of SENASA, Costa Rica’s National Animal Health Service, Oscar Acosta Director of the University of Costa Rica Centre of Science and Technology, CITA, Erick Ulate, President of Consumidores de Costa Rica and Andrea Lang ‘Territory Leader’ for Kemical, a professional equipment provider to the food industry.

Andrea Lang makes the point that we should all “remember that food is the starting point of our health and well-being” and Erick Ulate goes further by saying “food safety is fundamental to safeguard the rights to health and safety of consumers established not only by United Nations guidelines, but also by National legislation.” The Director of SENASA agreed, saying that the challenges faced by the world population with respect to food are not only related to access, but safety must also be a central issue in discussions. In the spirit of World Food Safety Day and the consensus of global leaders in food policy, the Minister for the Economy, Industry and Commerce made the key observation that we should “discuss and analyse” national food safety practices from different perspectives.
