Hungarian food safety office campaigns for food safety as “our common cause”


Hungary’s ‘Nébih’ – or National Food Chain Safety Office – will be embracing World Food Safety Day this year, in a series of events that will make use of the World Food Safety Day slogan, “food safety is everyone’s business” and the theme, “safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.”

Activities will involve a photo collage to be produced as part of an internal Nébih campaign, to which employees will be asked to contribute images of safe food practices. The resulting collage will be a roll-up poster showing diverse food safety practices that will be unveiled by the Nébih president and then taken on a road trip to all 42 Nébih branches. It will then be made available on the organization’s intranet site.

The public campaign will involve social media messaging, a video on food safety and the norovirus a short article in the Nébih free magazine and a special edition cookbook. The organizers are keen to highlight the collective responsibility involved in keeping food safe and that “Good personal hygiene prevents the spread of foodborne diseases.”


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