Delegates proud to contribute to the work of Codex committee


“It's great to be participating in a virtual event of CCMAS41 along with nearly 400 participants from around the world, seeking to agree standards for the sampling and analysis of foods” said Selvarani Elahi, UK delegate, currently present at the Codex Committee on Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) hosted by Hungary from 17 to 25 May 2021.

The shift to virtual meetings for Codex technical committees in 2021 has seen a significant uptake in attendance particularly from countries who may ordinarily not have been able to join a physical meeting. This has been evident at CCMAS with an increase of over 50 percent in attendance at some sessions where specific timetabling of agenda items has also allowed delegates to plan their participation.

A committee of high importance.

Broader participation can also ensure Codex is a more inclusive and equitable global standard-setting body. “CCMAS41 is a committee of high importance, which transcends the other Codex committees for its invaluable contribution to the development and unification of methods of analysis and sampling standards” said Joseph Gallardo, Panama.

Codex would have little authority in the field of international standard setting if it did not welcome and acknowledge the valuable contributions made by observers. Expert technical bodies, industry and consumer associations contribute to the standard-setting process and have a crucial role in providing the methods of analysis and sampling adopted by CCMAS. “Eurachem, as an organization promoting the quality of analytical measurements, is proud to contribute to the work of CCMAS, supporting food quality and safety” - said Marina Patriarca, from Eurachem.

“CCMAS is very important for IDF – echoes Aurélie Dubois-Lozier, from the International Dairy Federation – as it makes the connection between analytical standards, such as those developed by IDF and ISO and the Codex Dairy Standards in order to verify the provisions they contain”.

Codex standards are used as a benchmark in international trade agreements, ensuring that trade can flow globally but not at the cost of health risks to consumers “This is a key element,” says Dubois-Lozier, “to ensure the products traded worldwide respond to the same safety and quality criteria,” adding that with virtual sessions “more participants can engage and therefore facilitate the implementation of the Codex texts”.

“IFU methods, specific to check the safety and quality of fruit and vegetable juices, are reviewed and endorsed by CCMAS experts from all over the world,” said Aintzane Esturo from the International Fruit and Vegetable Juice Association.

An opportunity to work at the global level.

Codex meetings also provide an opportunity for Members to compare the latest developments in science and food safety. “On a Hungarian level, on a European level, we haven’t got a daily connection with other labs in far countries, but on a worldwide level, it’s a very good opportunity to work together, in collaboration, and this is the most important experience for me,” said Attila Nagy, Chairperson of CCMAS41.


Learn more

Video: experts discuss CCMAS41

Visit the CCMAS41 meeting page for all working documents
