Codex Committee moving towards a single, analytical standard for analysis and sampling


The Codex Committee on Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) begins its first virtual session on 17 May 2021. This committee provides the A to Z of international methods for the verification of 100s of provisions in Codex standards developed by commodity committees, from acidity in fats and oils to zinc in vinegar.

This committee also serves as a coordinating body for Codex with other international groups working in methods of analysis and sampling and this is why the experts gathering for the virtual meeting hosted by Hungary, besides Member Countries, include organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), AOAC International and historical Codex observers like the International Dairy Federation (IDF). “CCMAS has a very good opportunity to work very closely with all of the standardization organizations, and question them directly during the plenary,” said Attila Nagy, Chairperson of CCMAS.

Discussions throughout the week at the 41st session will include work on Codex Standard 234 that lists all the methods endorsed by the committee. “A number of years ago, we decided to revise this standard because the document is not automatically updated with all the new methods or with all the new versions, or with all new insights,” said Yannick Weesepoel, The Netherlands, one of the countries working on the revision.

“Standard 234 is such the bulk of what CCMAS does that it’s important that it be accurate, and I think this move towards a single, analytical standard, or method standard, is a great idea. It will keep us from making disconnects or mistakes in the future,” said Greg Noonan, United States.

Nagy also believes the committee can make good progress on other topics on the committee agenda including ‘Measurement Uncertainty’. “I'm very optimistic we can step forward to step eight. And after that, we can finalize it and officially close this very interesting laboratory topic,” he said.


Learn more

Video: experts discuss CCMAS41

Visit the CCMAS41 meeting page for all working documents

Photo credit © Gergely Vihar
