Preparations underway for Kenya’s third observance of World Food Safety Day


Kenya is in high gear in preparation for the World Food Safety Day celebrations as the national WFSD2021 planning committee meets for the third time. In the discussions, the line-up of activities include:

  • Pre-event activities, such as digital and social media campaigns, print media campaigns as well as TV and radio awareness programmes.
  • During the event activities, which will include live virtual forums, newspaper supplement, live Twitter chats and live streaming on various social media platforms to discuss various food safety concerns.
  • Post-event activities focusing on the editorial coverage of the outcome.

Importance to the country: The activities will increase awareness of all the value chain players on the need to ensure food safety, since ‘Food safety is everyone's business’. All the programmes will be aimed towards ensuring that everyone realizes their role and responsibility to ensure food safety. Additionally, accomplishing food safety today will ensure a healthy population for tomorrow.

The planning committee comprises all government bodies involved in the food control system, private sector institutions involved in food value chain, the media and donor institutions.


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