Côte d'Ivoire launches its Codex Trust Fund project


On Thursday 15 April 2021, at the Hotel Ivotel, Abidjan-Plateau, Côte d'Ivoire launched a Capacity Building Project for the National Codex Alimentarius Committee, a project funded by the Codex Trust Fund 2.

Chaired by Mr. KOUASSI Kouamé Bernard, Technical Advisor to the Minister of State, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the opening ceremony recorded the physical presence of Mrs. N'GORAN Patricia, SUN Focal Point and Technical Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Dr ZOMBRE, Daogo Sosthene, Health Systems Specialist, representing the WHO Representative in Côte d'Ivoire and Mr. ZOUNGRANA Mahama, representing the FAO Representative in Côte d ' Ivory. Ms. MWAMAKAMBA Lusubilo from the WHO Regional Office based in Ouagadougou and Professor Etienne DAKO from the National Codex Alimentarius Committee of Canada also took part by videoconference.

The workshop brought together 37 participants, representing all the stakeholders (political decision-makers, United Nations agencies, national control authorities, agri-food stakeholders, technical and financial partners, agricultural sectors, universities and research structures and consumer associations).

Following presentations on the functioning and role of the Codex Alimentarius, the Codex Trust Fund, the project document and the discussions that followed, a representative of each stakeholder made the commitment on behalf of their organization to contribute not only to the success of the project but above all to work for towards active participation and for a dynamic and efficient National Codex Alimentarius Committee.


Learn more

Visit the Codex Trust Fund website
