Guatemala and El Salvador join forces to better engage in Codex work


On 18 March 2021, the Codex Contact Point in Guatemala presented an FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund project, that aims to strengthen Codex programmes, to national and technical committee members in Guatemala with the virtual participation of the Codex Contact Point of El Salvador.

Guatemala and El Salvador have been members of the Codex Alimentarius since 1968 and 1975, respectively and both countries recognise the contribution of the Codex Alimentarius to the fulfilment of their national public health and trade objectives. Codex Contact Points in each country are responsible for the coordination of National Committees and Technical Committees through which they ensure active participation in the elaboration of Codex standards. In Guatemala this body is attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food and in El Salvador to the National Quality Council.

One of the main expected results of the project is the implementation of a Strategic Plan in both countries, based on the Codex Strategic Plan 2020-2025, which over the next three years will enable them to consolidate and sustain their national programmes.

The project will also enhance the management capacities of the National Codex Committees of each country and deliver training on topics such as food labelling, risk analysis, food inspection and certification systems, pesticide residues, labelling, hygiene and others.  

The start of our efforts to achieve significant progress in the consolidation of the National Codex Programme.

"This activity marks the start of our efforts to achieve significant progress in the consolidation of the National Codex Programme,” said Claudia Guzmán from El Salvador, “and to participate even more actively in the process of elaboration of Codex texts".

"It is expected that during the implementation of the project there will be an exchange of experiences between both countries as well as improvement in technical competencies of civil servants and the private sector that will allow the consolidation and sustainability of the National Codex Programme in Guatemala,” said Nelson Antonio Ruano, Codex Contact Point in Guatemala.
