#WorldFoodSafetyDay 2021 / Tune in to the launch of the campaign, 18 February 15:00 CET


On 18 February 2021 at 15:00 CET the World Food Safety Day campaign for 2021 will be launched with the announcement of the theme for this year’s celebration. A newscast including contributions from FAO, WHO, the secretariats of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Food Safety Authorities Network, plus guests from around the world will discuss why food safety is everyone’s business and set the scene for the third occurrence of this International Day on 7 June 2021.

The newscast (only in English) will be streamed on the Codex Alimentarius Twitter @FAOWHOCodex and will be available for subsequent viewing on the World Food Safety Day website.


Tune in and get ready for #WorldFoodSafetyDay 2021


