Ecuador launches food safety mascots live on Facebook


On Friday 12 February 2021, at 16:00 (CET), 10am local time, Agrocalidad, the Phyto and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency in Ecuador will host a live Facebook broadcast to present a series of figurative cartoon characters that aim to carry key food safety messages to a wide audience.

“Foodborne diseases represent a serious risk in both developed and developing countries and proper food handling can go a long way to preventing most of these,” said Rommel Betancourt, Coordinator of Food Safety for Agrocalidad and Regional Coordinator for the Codex Alimentarius in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The cartoon characters are part of campaign in Ecuador to reach out to the general population and reinforce good agricultural practice centered around food safety, the health of field workers, environmental protection and animal welfare.

“This campaign is part of our information drive to protect the well-being and health of all consumers, to improve the quality of our production and to have food with high standards”.


Learn more

Facebook page of Agrocalidad


