Codex fish code ensures products meet international standards


According to data published by FAO in The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020, global fish production in 2018 is estimated to have reached about 179 million tonnes with fisheries and aquaculture playing a significant and growing role in providing food, nutrition and employment. Fish accounts for 17 percent of the global population’s intake of animal protein.

This updated version of the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products delivers key technical guidance on the harvesting, processing, transport and sale of fish and fishery products and is an essential reference point for both small and large-scale operators.

New guidance developed in the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene is now included in the code, introducing valuable additional information and technical direction on how to minimize the risk of histamine build-up in fish and fishery products at key steps in the food chain from harvesting to processing.

Bjørn Røthe Knudtsen, Regional Director of The Norwegian Food Safety Authority and Chairperson of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products, writing in the foreword to the new publication says: “practical Codex texts such as this code of practice can ensure that products that are sold on national or international markets meet the requirements of international standards, protecting health and facilitating trade”.


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