Tianjin University of Commerce shares food safety tips on WeChat


Due to COVID-19, the Tianjin University of Commerce made a change of plans for its 2020 campaign for World Food Safety Day – rather than hold events on campus, they were held online. The Department of Food Science and Engineering, led by their professors, organized a conversation on WeChat, a messaging application.

The chat opens with an interview conducted by Xinhua News with FAO Representative in China and DPR Korea Vincent Martin, who explains what World Food Safety Day is about in English with Chinese subtitles. The video reflects the fact that food safety is an issue of global concern.

The WeChat conversation then goes on to ask and answer a few questions to test people’s knowledge of foods safety issues, like mycotoxins, pesticide residues, green beans with lectin and potato with Solanine. The chat was an opportunity to share tips with students and the general public so they gain a better understanding and are better prepared to avoid these risks.

See the conversation on WeChat: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/C2OPLQoTChtOeisebhULSg
