Zimbabwe to commemorate World Food Safety Day with a webinar


Food safety is a shared responsibility. The Zimbabwe 2020 WFSD commemoration will bring together, through a webinar, all key players in the food system to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their operations, posed threats to food safety and how these threats are being managed. The stakeholders will also discuss what they are doing to ensure food safety in their work, the challenges they are facing and what support they require to ensure their efforts yield results.

The event will also share solidarity messages from supporting organizations and the government.  Participants will be drawn from government, farmer organizations, food industry, consumer groups, food retailers, food exporters, food service industry including hotels, food transporters and vendors, UN agencies and development partners.

Deputy Minister for Health and Child Care, Dr John Mangwiro, will give the keynote address.

Register here: https://fao.zoom.us/s/95217788973
