Food science and agriculture students promote food safety among peers in China


To celebrate the second World Food Safety Day, at the end of May, the College of Food Science and Engineering of Qingdao Agricultural University organized a research team to carry out activities, with the aim of “using their professional advantage to help young people eat healthy”. Activities were operated by online questionnaire and offline survey, due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The team designed a questionnaire from the aspects of regular work schedule and healthy diet to investigate the diet, nutrition, health and food safety status of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The survey is rich in content and fits the reality of college students, with up to 1983 participants. The survey results show that in terms of food safety, many students still do not have the concept of food safety and do not understand how to eat healthy and the nutritional combination of food. In response to the questions reflected in the questionnaire, the team made corresponding and feasible suggestions.

According to the survey results, the College of Food Science and Engineering customized and launched the Healthy Nutrition and Food Safety Initiative. The content of the initiative is comprehensive and specific. It puts forward scientific suggestions to the majority of young people and spreads its influence through online video. It is hoped that young friends grasp a more accurate concept of food safety, develop good eating habits and choose fresh, safe food and use suitable cooking methods.

This event shared knowledge of food safety and nutrition collocation widely, and called on every young friend to become a spokesperson for food safety. Youth engagement makes this food safety day more meaningful. In recent years, the college has organized a number of social practice teams to conduct food safety surveys and presentations on the ground during winter and summer vacations, and disseminate food safety-related knowledge.


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