Angola launches an information campaign about food safety


In the context of World Food Safety Day celebrations in Angola, FAO - together with WHO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Women Empowerment - launched an awareness campaign about food safety.

Messages focused on the need for salespeople to apply good hygiene practices and handle food with clean hands, as well as the need to display products on clean surfaces. Consumers, on the other hand, are advised to wash their food well before eating or cooking it. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the campaign also recommends everyone to wear a mask in the markets, as well as to respect the physical distance of at least one metre. A spot showing good practices of food handling at a food market and at home is now being broadcasted on both TV and radio, at the national level. The spot was recorded in Asa Branca Market, a formal market at Cazenga municipality in Luanda, and a good example of a clean and organized market.

Asa Branca Market, Cazenga municipality in Luanda, Angola - ©FAO/Catia Marinheiro

Asa Branca Market was also the scenario chosen for the official celebrations of the World Food Safety Day in Angola. The Secretary of State for the Family and Promotion of Women - Elsa Bárber Dias dos Santos - and FAO Representative in Angola - Gherda Barreto - shared advice on food safety with the sellers, consumers and with the journalists. The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and WHO were also present and active partners in the conversation.



Angola raises awareness about the importance of safe food in markets

The National Food Quality Control Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Angola celebrated the World Food Safety Day raising awareness about the importance of the provision of safe food in food markets. Carlos Chaves, INFOSAN Focal Point and Head of the Quality Control Department in the institution, moderated an internal workshop to discuss the issues and challenges that all actors in the food chain must face to maintain the safety of food sold in traditional markets, also during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants discussed the joint FAO and WHO messages presented during the webinars organized prior to the World Food Safety Day by the INFOSAN Secretariat to draw attention of network members to this important issue for improving public health.  
