Madagascar / seeking active engagement in Codex


Madagascar is continuing its efforts to build the capacity of its members with the support of the Codex Trust Fund. A four-day training workshop in Antananarivo from 24-27 February 2020 set out to integrate new members and provide a refresher for more experienced members. The workshop also dealt with the redefinition of priority committees for Madagascar, the formulation of national positions, preparation for sessions as well as the use of online Codex tools. After this training, Madagascar will further improve its engagement and active participation in Codex work.

Integration of new members of the National Codex Alimentarius Committee (CNCA) in Madagascar in the Codex world

 “At the last general assembly of CNCA-Madagascar, 10 new members replaced members at the end of their mandate. Most of these new members had a rather general idea of ​​the Codex Alimentarius and its organization, the Commission and its subsidiary committees, their role and their functioning. To enable newcomers to get involved and contribute to the work of Codex, and to refresh the knowledge of former CNCA members, the training course was given by FAO under as part of a Codex Trust Fund project", said Catherine Bessy, FAO Food Safety and Quality Officer, responsible for the project.

Setting national priorities

The participants in this workshop were able to reflect and review the criteria for prioritizing Codex committees for Madagascar. At the end of this work, some committees, not previsouly identified (such as the Codex nutrition committee CCNFSDU), emerged as being strategic for the country. The reflection made it possible to clarify in what way a committee has priority, on the basis of the data available in Madagascar, public health issues and commercial issues.

Formulating, validating and defending a national position

"CNCA members have given careful thought to CNCA procedures, which have not yet been formalized," said Luc Ingenbleek, FAO international consultant in charge of training.

On the basis of the work in progress within the framework of certain priority committees (CCFICS and CCCF), group work enabled the participants in this workshop to familiarize themselves with the preparation of a national position. Then, a role play made it possible to simulate a negotiation of this position in front of delegations from other member countries of the Codex Alimentarius Commission highlighting divergent interests. "This simulation exercise gave rise to rich discussions and fostered an awareness of the importance of preparing early enough to be able to defend a national position, previously validated at an appropriate level by the competent authorities", said Saber Mansour, an FAO consultant and part of the training team.


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