Codex standards: a synonym for quality


Mr Alfonso Guati-Rojo Sánchez, Chairperson of the Committee, welcomed delegates to the twenty-first session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: "It is an honor for Mexico to host CCFFV since 1988: we have been working continuously for 31 years and have managed to jointly build 37 international standards. This work directly contributes to ensure fair practices in food trade and to protect consumer health". Emphasizing the importance of consensus in timely completion of Codex standards Sánchez said, "it is important to listen to the voice of all delegates and to highlight the role of science in Codex texts. We want standardization to be synonymous with quality and a joint responsibility between governments, producers and consumers".

Codex, our common language on food

"What we have in front of us is a challenging yet very important agenda", said Codex Food Standards Officer Lingping Zhang. "This week we will discuss seven draft standards and a discussion paper on a glossary of terms used in this committee.  We need to speak the same language on food", said Zhang,  "and we hope to able to send as many texts as possible for adoption at the next Commission".

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