Mali launches Codex Trust Fund project


Food safety experts and officials from Mali took part in the launch of a Codex Trust Fund project on Thursday, 12 September 2019 at the International Conference Center in Bamako. The launch was chaired by Sékou Oumar Dembélé, technical advisor of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and is part of national capacity building programmes to strengthen food safety in Mali

This initiative aims to inform and raise awareness amongst all stakeholders dealing with food safety and nutrition in the country and gain their support for the activities and vision of the Codex Alimentarius.

“The project will without doubt increase our ability to take part actively in Codex”, said Dembélé. "When we talk about food safety, all countries must ensure this safety, which we already provide but which we must strengthen".

Gaoussou Keita, Director General of the Mali Food Safety Authority said the project would, “strengthen national stakeholders’ ability to participate in the work of the Commission”.

“This project will without doubt increase our ability to take part actively in Codex. It will reinforce the effectiveness of food controls and support advocacy among policymakers”.


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