Developing national Codex capacity for Libya


32 members of the different regulatory authorities tasked with managing food safety in Libya, together with experts from academia, gathered in Tunis, Tunisa 4-6 February 2019 for a workshop on developing national Codex capacities. The project is part of the Arab Food Safety Initiative for Trade Facilitation, known as the SAFE project, under which FAO is providing technical support through collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The Tunis workshop is part of a series that will train participants from Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, Sudan and Yemen on the Value of Codex Alimentarius as an international standard-setting body and the importance of establishing or enhancing national Codex structures and processes to include all relevant stakeholders.

The training in each country is being delivered in Arabic enabling participants to fully engage and benefit from the programme and is led by Saber Mansour, FAO, Egypt.

The interactive programme allows participants to exchange their respective country experiences and simulate discussions on Codex activities. The training team also gives hands on guidance on how to use Codex online tools for participation in working groups and for commenting on draft standards.

Eleonora Dupouy, Food Safety and Consumer Protection Officer, FAO said, “the workshops explain how Codex works for public health, trade and economic development. They allow participants to see how Codex should fit into participatory multi-stakeholder processes at the country level and provide valuable perspectives for regional cooperation and coordination”.


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Food safety and quality at FAO

SAFE project
