Upcoming webinar to discuss medicated feed


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is holding a webinar called “Medicated feed - an overview of regulations in the major animal source food markets of the world” on Monday, 5 November 2018 at 13:30–15:00 (GMT +2). Medicated feed is produced and used globally under various different regulatory frameworks.

The seminar will be opened by Juan Lubroth, FAO Chief Veterinary Officer, and will feature a presentation by George Tice of Health for Animals, a Codex Observer and global federation representing manufacturers of veterinary medicines, vaccines and other animal health products.

Tice will give an overview of the regulatory requirements for manufacture and placing on the market of medicated feed for the European Union, United States and other major animal source food-producing countries in the world (Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam). This will include a description of the risk assessment process that quantifies the risk of antibiotic resistance transfer to humans through food, following the use of antibiotics in animals.

Tice will highlight the differences in definitions and talk about the challenges and opportunities of the feed route for administering veterinary medical products; the role of generic manufactures and over-the-counter sale and use of antibiotics. The presentation will be followed by an open discussion about the role of medicated feed in controlling antimicrobial resistance.

To join the webinar, please register here by 2 November 2018

Read more about FAO’s work on the Global Feed Safety Platform

See the Health for Animals website
