Better training for safer food


A workshop organised by the European Union "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative took place in September 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa, for the Codex members of the African Region. The aim of the workshop was to provide the necessary tools to be effective delegates in Codex.

In line with the strong and positive message of Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission, Barbara Moretti, of the EU Codex Team, said that this was also an excellent opportunity to reinforce cooperation and communication in the framework of Codex between the EU and Africa, Europe’s twin continent.

Food Standards Officer Verna Carolissen attended the session to provide expert advice and practical experience of Codex from the Secretariat perspective. “The workshop has been an opportunity for the Secretariat to listen and understand the level of knowledge of Codex members and has highlighted the importance of Codex in protecting consumer health and facilitation of trade and especially its contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”.

“It’s so important for us to support and participate in events such as this workshop for countries in the Africa region”, said Codex Vice-Chair Steve Wearne, underlining the opportunity the training had given to get closer to the Codex membership.

The workshop was also a chance to hear different perspectives on Codex priorities, practical experiences regarding participation in the standard setting process, and national implementation of Codex standards.
